Thursday, March 29, 2012

Busy week!

It's Thursday evening here in Antalya.  Tomorrow Jim and Renata's youngest daughter Talya, arrives with her roommate for their spring break from boarding school in Germany.   There is excitement in the air as you can imagine.  Two 15 year old girls will certainly change the atmosphere!

At St. Paul's Cultural Center it has been a week of hectic activity for the staff and volunteers.  Lunch, dinner, coffee and tea breaks all day everyday since Monday.  We are tired but excited for all the spiritual growth that is taking place among our guests.

I dropped my camera and it broke in two pieces.  I have yet to replace it because it I have yet to have free time!!  So there aren't any pictures to share but I hope to have that remedied shortly.

Please pray for "Cyrus" not his real name.  He and I had a few moments to share today.  It is illegal for him to be a Christian in his country.  If the government finds out he will be executed!  He cannot carry his bible, go to church, sing out loud or mention the name Jesus in his country and yet he loves the Lord!  Here at St. Paul's he and his fellow believers feel free now that they have been here a few days and they are singing loud in worship!  I love to listen their joyous praise music.  Last night the international church got to join them in worship and teaching it was a very moving experience.  

I have been struggling with my own attitude as far as the work is concerned so I ask prayer for myself.  Perhaps I am just tired and need a break from the long hours.  In spite of that I am meeting some wonderful people and trying to stay focused on the real purpose here.

I hope to have pictures soon!  until then, gule gule         

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